Monday, August 28, 2006

Flora series Fauna series

(L) Flowers (C) Palms (R) Lily of the Valley

' Flowers '... a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all of the utilities of the world - Ralph Waldo Emerson
' Palms ' reminiscent of a hacienda and for a windowless corridor.
' Lily of the Valley ' Concentrate and you can hear the lillies ring sweetly like little bells.

(L) Tusker (C) Phrog (R) Leopard

' Tusker ' is intended as a raging bull kicking up a cloud of dust in its charge.
' Leopard ' has elements of realism combined with animation. Make no mistake its glare is as focused as it can get.
' Phrog ' was inspired by the extraordinary properties of the amphibian skin and ... kermit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Pachyderm is truly awesome!!!